Norman Foster

10 Famous works of Norman Foster (Manchester, June 1, 1935)

Born in Manchester, Norman Foster is considered one of the most famous exponent of modern architecture. He was raised in a humble family with few aspirations, his mother, Lilian Smith, a waitress and his father, Robert Foster, owner of a pawn shop, a situation that dis not prevented him of climbing higher and undertaking in life.

He studied architecture and urbanism (1961) at the University of Manchester, where he won the Henry Fellowship and achieved a master’s degree in architecture at Yale University. This conjuncture allows him to leave the English borders, bringing with him an awakening that allowed him to break out his frustration and open up a new horizon.

When he came back from America, he became associated with Rogers, Cheesman and Woltoncon, with whom he started his first projects under the signature of Team 4. This helped him to gain reputation through some small contracts, which allowed him to become independent from the group and to formalize his own signature, which he would sign as Sir Norman Foster & Partners. At the moment it has been reaching great amount of projects of high category and with impressive performance which has allowed him to position itself of good form in the world artistic field, certifying all this with his talent and dedication.

10 Famous works of Norman Foster

1. Citic Bank Headquarters-2017-Hangzhou, China

CItic Bank Headquarters - 10 Famous works of Norman Foster

Foster’s challenge in this charismatic project was to build a structure that harmonized with the environment and that in turn reflected its own essence and identity. In that sense, he managed to build a masterpiece that is inspired by the allegorical vessel “dou or ding”; whose singular geometric representation is a V-shaped base which translates into a successive internal fold that produces a supremely sumptuous and attractive sovereign bronze lattice effect.

2. Swiss Tower RE-2004 – London, England

Swiss Tower - 10 Famous works of Norman Foster

This imposing 180 meter high skyscraper in the shape of a gherkin “The Gherkin”, emerges with 40 floors each designed with 6 ventilation ducts, allowing maximum use of light and natural ventilation, in turn, translates into reduction of expenses for lighting concept up to 50% which is quite significant, because it managed to combine energy savings added to a design that offers a kind of internal microclimate adaptable to summer and winter.

3. Hearst Tower-2006-New York, United States

10 Famous works of Norman Foster - Hearst Tower

Awarded by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) to futuristic structures with conservationist nuance, it is a triangular building that stands on an old building, this gives the feeling of a small town square, allowing access to all areas of the building. It has 44 floors, each with offices, rooms for parties and special events.

4. Millau Viaduct 2004 – France

Millau Viaduct - 10 Famous works of Norman Foster

This economic and elegant infrastructure, manages to combine technology, aesthetics and functionality. The challenge of Foster was to minimize the landscape intervention. In this sense the bridge crosses the Tara River in order not to lose the feeling that it gives to cross the river and maintain the original view of it. Apart from being an excellent motorist alternative that simplifies the journey between the south of France, Paris and the Mediterranean coast.

5. Appel Park-2017-Cupertino, United States

Appel Park 10 Famous works of Norman Foster

The original idea was by Steve Jobs and Foster captured it perfectly creating this work “The spaceship” as they also call the Apple Park, which covers an area of ​​71 hectares of an imposing circular structure in which stand four floors , where 80% of vegetation predominates, that is to say, plantations of significant green trees and coposos originating from Cupertino, that act as offices and in the central axis a huge artificial pond.

6. City Hall-2002-London, England

City Hall London 10 Famous works of Norman Foster
City workers and tourists pass City Hall on April 28, 2008 in London, England. City Hall is the headquarters for the Mayor of London, and Mayoral elections are due to take place on May 1, 2008.

6 Of 10 Famous works of Norman Foster is the  The City Council is inspired by the Reichstag in Berlin. Located south of the Thames, it represents an architectural work of high technological value due to its transformed spherical design, which changes the traditional perspective of main exits and entrances, thus reducing the maximum energy consumption. It has underground pumping systems, which creates a natural cooling climate in the offices, apart from that, it has a set of passive and active retractable devices that provide shade and natural ventilation.

7. Zayed National Museum 2017-Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Zayed National Museum - 10 Famous works of Norman Foster

At the request of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the artist takes on a project in which he combines the love of nature, the preservation of cultural heritage and high efficiency in a contemporary museum ideal adorned with extensive gardening, luxury cafes, shops and various auditoriums that take advantage of the environmental conditions of the area as it lies under an artificial surface lined internally with chimneys, vents, galleries and five thermal energy towers to generate fresh and cold air.

8. Beijing Airport-2007-Beijing, China

Beijing Airport 10 Famous works of Norman Foster

The third largest commercial airport in the world is a spectacular macro architectural project with a range of operational benefits for the most demanding users. Projects the oriental culture and tradition, therefore, the figurative dragon is the central image of the air terminal in which the colors associated with the tradition were used. The fundamental premise was the natural balance, hence the lighting from lucarnas or skylights and the use of glass screens.

9. Metro de Bilbao-1995-Bilbao, Spain

Metro de Bilbao Foster

With this project Foster manages to integrate the concepts of design, structural engineering and architecture in a major project, since the Metro Bilbao railway network has 48 stations between underground and surface, and, in addition, has connectivity with three other railway lines. which has wide curved tunnels as well as a number of glazed escalators. In addition, as a feature of Foster’s work, the entire railway complex, modern and pleasant, is naturally lit.

10. Commerzbank Tower-1997-Frankfurt, Germany

Commerzbank Tower 10 Famous works of Norman Foster

This ecological skyscraper is one of the highest modern buildings in Europe, was designed by Foster and a group of structural engineers in the form of an equilateral triangle as a representation of structural expressionism. The spaces are distributed in 53 floors and 27 elevators where offices, winter gardens, atriums and others operate. Both lighting and ventilation are mostly natural, maintaining the environmental principle of Foster’s work. The work culminated in three years.

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